StarT Learning Community of Jono Pauliaus II gimnazija in Vilnius
- to inspire and motivate youth into mathematics, science and technology through the latest methods and activities of science, technology and education
- independently use the sources, research and update information
- apply the acquired knowledge and skills in solving practical problems, taking an active role in the process of learning
- take responsibility for their own learning (a group goal + individual responsibility)
- develop a sense of belonging to a group, enhance learning and encourage positive attitude towards learning
- to increase students’ awareness about the world around them
- to address social issues, culture, history, social media, science and technology
- Collaborative, interdisciplinary learning deals with science, technology, art and future.
- The integrative project-based learning with a collaborative approach has to develop critical thinking through:
- discussions, debates, short talks
- clarification of ideas
- evaluation/peer- assessment of other’s ideas
- Well-being (healthy lifestyle, food, exercise)
- Nature and environment
- Space and stars
Students' preface to the StarT projects
- User interface
- QuizMe
- Pharmaceutical waste
- Video film „Well-being“
- A movie „Negative effects of acid rains“
- EasyMeal
- „A healthy lifestyle“